Lina Massa

Lina looks after our clients by servicing them in all areas of taxation advice and business advisory services. She conducts most of our client face to face meetings and can assist you with business mentoring, strategic planning, software selection, tax planning and structuring advice. Her role is to review all our team’s work and check it for quality and accuracy.

2 min read

ATO penalties for incorrect tax return

Navigating ATO Penalties for Incorrect Tax Returns: What You Need to Know The process of lodging your tax returns can be overwhelming, especially when you consider the serious financial consequences of making errors. But don't panic just yet; we've...

Paper System For Staff Management

3 min read

Evolve Your Staff Management with Cutting-Edge Technology

In today's fast-paced world, technology is reshaping the way we do business. The good news is that tech for small businesses has become more...

Second Job Bar Working

3 min read

How much do you get taxed on a second job?

Congratulations! You've taken the leap and secured a second job, however you may be wondering how much you get taxed on a second job? Understanding...

4 min read

Non-Commercial Losses Explained (2023)

Are you running a business activity and are unsure if you can claim deductions on expenses? As either a sole trader or a partnership engaging in a...

3 min read

How the Logbook Method Works (2023) + Free Template

Navigating the complexities of the logbook method for claiming work-related car expenses can be a confusing task for individuals and businesses alike.

Cents Under Car

4 min read

Understanding the Cents per Kilometre Method (2023)

The cents per kilometre method is often misunderstood when it comes to claiming car expenses. This article is a comprehensive guide for claiming all...

Money Stacked In House High Income

7 min read

New Ways High Income Earners can Reduce Taxes in Australia

Are you a high-income earner in Australia looking for effective ways to reduce your taxable income? With the highest tax rate reaching up to 45%,...

2 min read

Federal Budget: Super Fund Changes and a Guide for Pensioners

On 9 May 2023, the highly anticipated 2023 Federal Budget was unveiled by the Federal Treasurer, Jim Chalmers. The budget encompassed several notable...

Artificial Intelligence Written On CPU

5 min read

Can AI help with Taxation in Australia?

In today's digital age, one phenomenon is taking centre stage and captivating minds across the globe: Artificial Intelligence (AI), the driving force...

Tax Planning Written On Paper With Dice Beside It

5 min read

The Power of Tax Planning: A Strategic Approach to Lower Your Income Tax

We've all heard the saying, "The only certainties in life are death and taxes." However, while we may not have much control over the former, the...