Property development accountant

Property development made simple.

Beach sunrise

Experienced property development consultants

When it comes to property development, experience is key, and the team at Coleman Financial Group has experience with a large number of clients all varying in different sizes. With a wealth of expertise and a proven track record for accounting for property development, we are certain we can best assist your property development business to prosper. Our experienced team have a deep understanding of business structure, fixed price developments, and navigating permits and regulations.

As a property developer you will have a lot on your plate. From getting loans, project management and navigating laws. It can help having an experienced accountant in your corner who you can talk to. At Coleman Financial Group we pride ourselves on our communication and approachability, and believe this is an important trait that benefits businesses. We understand that when things don't go according to plan, having a trusted advisor who can offer guidance and support is priceless.

Secure your property development project

In the fast-paced world of real estate development, time is of the essence, and at Coleman Financial Group, we understand the urgency and importance of quick turnarounds.

We recognise that property developers often have strict deadlines to meet, whether it's securing financing or meeting project milestones. That's why our premium accounting service is designed to deliver results promptly, ensuring that financial statements and documents are prepared efficiently and accurately.

We pride ourselves on our ability to work swiftly without compromising quality, providing you with the timely information you need to start your projects and take swift action. Moreover, our team's approachability and easy accessibility set us apart.

We understand that when time is of the essence, being able to reach your accounting partner quickly and easily is crucial. At Coleman Financial Group, we prioritise effective communication, ensuring that we are readily available to address your queries, provide guidance, and offer support throughout the property development journey.

With our commitment to delivering rapid and reliable accounting services, we empower you to navigate time-sensitive challenges with confidence and efficiency.

Property development services

GST and taxation navigation

Navigating the complex realm of tax laws can be a daunting task, especially for property developers. That's where Coleman Financial Group's team of skilled tax accountants comes in.

With our in-depth understanding of goods and services tax (GST) and capital gains tax concessions and general taxation laws such as land tax and stamp duty tax related to property development, we can ensure your income tax return is maximised.

From ensuring compliance with tax regulations to identifying legitimate deductions, our expertise is essential. We have a thorough knowledge of the intricacies of property development taxation as well as expertise in various accounting software. We can provide tailored solutions that help clients minimise tax liabilities while staying within compliance of tax regulations.

Our accountants have countless experiences with property development GST and tax minimisation, so we can help you in ways other accountants can't.


Three time blocks with G S T stamped on each block

Business structure

When it comes to developed properties, having the right business structure can make all the difference, and that's where Coleman Financial Group's expert accountants step in. We understand that the proper structure can have a profound impact on taxes and income. While other accountants may lack the necessary experience or knowledge, our team at Coleman Financial Group is well-versed in setting up the ideal structure tailored to your specific needs.

We go beyond just crunching numbers; we take the time to analyse your business and financial goals to determine the best structure that will help you maximise profits and minimize income tax. With our guidance, you can ensure that your business is structured in a way that optimises tax benefits, allowing you to retain more of your hard-earned income.

By leveraging our expertise in business structuring, Coleman Financial Group's accountants are your key to unlocking the best strategies to lower your income tax and achieve financial success in the competitive property development landscape.


Business Structure typed and underlined on a piece of paper on top of pages of graphs, spreadsheet and handwritten structure map

Do you need finance for your business?

Darcy, our finance broker has a background in business accounting. This brings a unique advantage when it comes to helping businesses secure asset finance. With a deep understanding of business accounting principles, Darcy can effectively curate financial statements, balance sheets, and cash flow projections to assess a company's financial health and determine its eligibility for finance. His expertise allows him to identify the most suitable lenders and financing options tailored to the specific needs of the business. Darcy's knowledge of business accounting enables him to guide clients through the application process, ensuring all necessary documentation and financial information is prepared accurately and professionally for lenders. By leveraging his expertise in both mortgage brokering and business accounting, Darcy maximises the chances of businesses successfully obtaining finance to secure as much money as possible for their current financial position. 

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